Presentation title:
The Educational Potential of Interactive Storytelling - Experience an Anti-Bullying Interactive Film!

Rebecca Gallon is a French and English student currently doing a MRes in Interactive Media funded by XR Stories. She has a passion for stories that share a positive message to the world. She previously studied Film and Television at the University of York. Her third year dissertation project was an interactive film and she was truly intrigued by the unexplored possibilities that interactivity offers for storytellers. That's why she decided to spend more time focusing on that topic and created an interactive film against cyber bullying called Butterfly!
I am currently researching the educational potential of interactive storytelling. Interactive storytelling has the unique ability to put the viewers in the shoes of the characters. Their decisions will impact the outcome and hence cause them to think more about the consequences of what they chose and maybe make them change their actions in the real world. To prove this idea, I have created a short interactive film about cyber-bullying. The viewers will have the possibility to feel as if they are a student of Lisa's school through an app that reproduces social media.